
Activity 2. A Powerful Story “From Where I Stand” (A Gender Equality

Project For the Global Goals)

Directions: Read a story below. Reflect and respond to the following

statements and questions:

Once upon a time, there was a young girl who loved going to school.

However, she lived in an area where some political leaders didn’t want her

to go to school. They used to attack the schools and try to stop girls going

to school.

Question: What would you do if the people with political power in your

area attacked your school and said you (whether you are a boy or a girl)

weren’t allowed to go anymore?

So, one day this young girl, who was only eleven years old at the time,

started to make speeches and write blogs saying that girls should be

allowed to go to school as well.

Question: How do you think the people with political power, who were

against girls in school, might have reacted when she started doing this?

However, the people in power, who didn’t want girls to go to school, wanted

to frighten her to stop her telling people these things. They knew lots of

people around the world were listening to what she was saying, so they

made it clear that they would harm her if she kept saying these things.

Question: If someone threatened you for saying your opinion, would you

stop or would you carry on anyway?

The young girl did not stop saying her opinions. So, one day, when she was

fourteen years old, a man came onto the bus when she was on her way

back from school and shot her. The bullet hit her head. Luckily, this young

girl did not die.
Question: If you had been harmed for saying your opinions and survived,

would you stop after that?

She was taken to another country and she survived. She went on to finish

school and continues to tell the world that girls should be allowed to go to


Question: What do you think of this girl? Do you think what she did made

an impact? Why/ why not?

This girl is Malala Yousafzai and this happened between 2008 and 2012.

In 2014 she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and is now a leading

global advocate championing the equal right to education for all, especially

for girls.

➢ Is Malala Yousafzai is a role model for you? Why / why not?


➢ Women can be as good at being leaders and role models as men.


➢ Do you think we need more role models like Malala in the world and

our local community?


➢ Could you be someone like Malala, passionate about something you

believe in, in your local community?


➢ As a student how can you become active contributors towards

eradication of gender inequality,
