
1. A (variable, constant) is used to represent a number. 2. The phrase "decreased by "can be used to represent (addition, subtraction). 3. A (circle , parenthesis) is used to enclosed independent groupings. 4. The phrase "seven less than a number" when translated into mathematicall expression is (x - 7 7, 7 - x) 7-8 5. The phrase thrice a number is a keyword used in (addition, multiplication). 6. The expression, m - 5 when translated into English is (a number m is diminished by five, five less than a number). 7. The given, 6 (x + 2) = 30 is an algebraic (expression , equation) 8. Three times a number p added to nine“ would give us (9 + 3p, 3p + 9). 9. "Four times a number decreased by 2 ", would give us (4x - 2, 2 - 4x = 24)​

Sagot :
