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Advertising bias consists of selecting media stories based on what will please advertisers. For example, what if an online news outlet's biggest sponsor was a major airline? The outlet may choose only to highlight positive stories relating to that airline and only negative incidents regarding other airlines.
Concision bias is when a media outlet reports views that can be summed up in a few words rather than those which require lengthier explanations. In a world where the average news reader only has an eight-second attention span, it's common for news outlets to publish stories in 500 words or less. This means carefully selecting catchy headlines and opting for shorter stories that can be consumed faster than lengthier, more detailed pieces.
Corporate bias means picking stories that are pleasing to the owners of a media organization or network. For example, a celebrity news outlet's CEO might also own a luxury jewelry company, It wouldn't be far-fetched to see that same outlet post favorable articles about celebrities wearing that designer's accessories.