YAMATEKUDASAI53IN YAMATEKUDASAI53IN Science Answered TRUE OR FALSE:Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Wire your answers on the space provided.1.Philippines is located along the Pacific Ring of FireA.TRUEB.FALSE2. Earthquakes are not associated with faults.A.TRUEB.FALSE3. A fault is a break in the Earth's crust and along the break no movement has taken place.A.TRUEB.FALSE4.Energy from inside the Earth exerts a force on the rocksA.TRUEB.FALSE5.When a portion of the land sinks, a mountain is formed.A.TRUEB.FALSE6.Compression is a force that squeezes rocks until they fold or break.A.TRUEB.FALSE7.Active faults are faults that remain dormant for some time.A.TRUEB.FALSE8.Aftershooks happen in most major earthquakes.A.TRUEB.FALSE9.Having an emergency kit is an important step to prepare and protect your family for unforeseen events.A.TRUEB.FALSE10.Magnitude is the strength of an earthquake perceived and felt by people.A.TRUEB.FALSEPASAGOT PO NG MAAYOS THANKYOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY:>