
1. Which of the following seismic waves travel through the interior of the
A. Surface waves B. Body waves C. Q-waves D. Lwaves
2. In which medium can secondary waves pass through?
A. Solids B. Liquid C. Gas D. Solid, liquid, and gases
3. How do rock particles move during the passage of P-waves through the
A. Back and forth, parallel to the direction of the wave
B. Back and forth, perpendicular to the direction of the wave
C. On a rolling circular motion
D. The particles do not move
4. Which kind of seismic waves usually do the most damage in an earthquake?
A. P-waves C. P-waves and S-waves
B. S-waves D. Love waves and Rayleigh waves
5. What will happen to the velocity of S-waves as it passes through a liquid?
A. increase B. decrease C. double D. stay the same
6. Which of the following statements about primary waves is NOT true?
A. Primary waves are the fastest among the seismic waves.
B. Primary waves move back and forth parallel to the direction of the wave.
C. Primary waves can travel through solids and liquids.
D. Primary waves move back and forth perpendicular to the direction of a
7. What is the correct order of appearance of the seismic waves when an
earthquake first occurs as measured by the seismograph?
A. S-waves, P-waves, then Surface waves
B. C. Surface waves, P-waves, then S-waves
C. P-waves, S-waves, then Surface waves
D. D. Surface waves, S-waves, the P-waves
8. Which seismic waves travel with slow velocity and like ripples in water?
A. P-waves B. S-waves C. Love waves D. Rayleigh waves
9. Which of the following statements about P-waves and S-waves is CORRECT?
A. Both waves travel fast.
B. Both waves move in parallel direction.
C. Both waves can travel through solid, liquid, and gas.
D. Both waves are body waves.
10. Which of the following statements about body waves and surface waves is
A. Body waves can travel through the earth interior while surface waves
travel only on the surface of the earth.
B. Body waves are more destructive than surface waves.
C. Surface waves can be love waves or Rayleigh waves.
D. Body waves have primary and secondary waves.
11. Seismic waves start at the ____________.
A. Epicentre B. focus C. seismopoint D. seismic gap
12. Which indicate that the outer core is liquid and the inner core is solid?
A. P-waves B. S-waves C. Surface waves D. Ocean waves
13. What is produced by the sudden push from an underwater fault?
A. Tornado B. Hurricane C. Earthquake D. Tsunami
14. How does the energy of an earthquake travel through the Earth?
A. Seismic waves carry the energy of an earthquake away from the focus,
through the earth’s interior, and across the surface.
B. During an earthquake, seismic waves move toward the focus and
epicenter then move out in all directions.
C. Seismic waves carry the energy of an earthquake toward the focus,
through the Earth’s interior, and across the surface.
D. During earthquake, seismic waves move away from the focus and
epicenter then move in all directions.
15. All seismic waves travel through rock but not all travel through
A. gas only B. liquid only C. gas and solids D. liquid and gas