MIGUELTROYMALLORCAIN MIGUELTROYMALLORCAIN Science Answered 10 Directions: Identify the invertebrate animal being referred to by the statements below. Write your answer on the space provided before each number Jellyfish Crab Ascaris Coral Bees Earthworm Octopus Starfish Sponge Sea Urchin 1. Its body is covered with many pores/holes 2. It is a mollusk with big and long tentacles 3. It is a cnidaria with stinging tentacles 4. A kind of worm with round body that barrows into the soil 5. A kind of roundworm that is a common parasite to humans 6. A cnidaria that is home to many species of fishes in the ocean 7. An echinoderm that has 5-part body 8. An echinoderm with body full of spikes 9. An animal with jointed legs and is responsible for flower pollination 10. An arthropod with jointed legs that is found in the ocean