NICENICENICE47IN NICENICENICE47IN Health Answered It is the phase of pregnancy that starts from week 13 to 27A.1st trimesterB.2nd trimesterC.3rd trimesterD.2nd & 3 rd trimesterThe stage of pregnancy that lasts from weeks to birthA.1st trimesterB.2nd trimesterC.3rd trimesterD.2nd & 3 rd trimesterIT IS THE PROCESS OF BIRTH WHERE THE DOCTOR REMOVES THE BABY FROM THE WOMBA. Caesarian sectionB.Normal deliveryC.Surgical operationD.Painless deliveryIt is the behavioral development of a healthy baby when he/she learns to vocalize and control movement of the headA.0 to 10-monthB.4 to 5 monthC.6 to 7 monthD.2 to 3 monthIt is known as the best and ideal form of infant feedingA.breastfeedingB.bottle feedingC.mix feedingD.allThis hormone initiates lacation or milk production in the mammary glandA.progesteroneB.estrogenC.prolactinD.none