
Lesson 1: Own Opinion vs. Familiar Text 4. Did you find the previous activity helpful? This part of the module will give you better understanding about the diferent nos What is It? 6. between own opinion and familiar texts and when do we consider a selection or passage a familiar one But first unlock the meaning of own opinion and familiar text. 6. An opinion is a thought or belief, a view, or 7 judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact. You may use opinion marking signals skill without getting hung up on to show your opinion. Familiar Texts are previously taught books or passages used as a practice text when students are leaming a new skill. Using a familiar text creates an opportunity for students to focus on the new literacy decoding or comprehension. Look at the example below. Own Opinion: People with good education can make this world a better place. Lo comparing own opinion, there is a representation of similarities to those presented in the familiar text. Familiar Text: "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela 11​