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1. No. of term Kinds of polynomial Degree Degree's Name
1 Monomial 0 Constant
2. No. of term Kinds of polynomial Degree Degree's Name
2 Binomial 2 Quadratic
3. No. of term Kinds of polynomial Degree Degree's Name
3 Trinomial 3 Cubic
4. No. of term Kinds of polynomial Degree Degree's Name
4 Polynomial 3 Cubic
5. No. of term Kinds of polynomial Degree Degree's Name
6 Polynomial 3 Cubic
Step-by-step explanation:
1. 2, monomial, 0, linear
2. 2, binomial, 0, quadratic
3. 3, trinomial, 2, cubic
4. 4, polynomial, 3, quartic
5. 6, polynomial, 6, quartic