
Test 3. Go over each of the following statements and write FACT if it is factual, and OPINION if it is a personal interpretation or conclusion derived from factual evidence, and ASSERTION if it is a commonplace assertion or a claim not supported by evidence. Write your answers on the space provided.

_____________1. There are still cases of COVID 19 being reported every day.

_____________2. The vaccination evidently slowed the spread of the virus according virology experts,

_____________3. The food pantry is really very helpful to those in need.

_____________4. It is better to work on your own business rather than be employed.

____________5. According to DOT, the tourism sector is the most affected by the pandemic.

____________6. It still not advisable to not wear face shield indoors,

_____________7. The only tourists allowed in Boracay are local travelers.

_____________8. The online sellers benefitted in the boom of online shopping.

_____________9. The vaccination cards are legal documents that needs to be centralized.

_____________10.If we get vaccinated we still need to follow minimum health protocols.​