Second Quarter Mathematics 6 Performance Output A. Express the given ratio in simplest or lowest terms 1. 8 hours to 10 hours. 2. 40 minutes to 1 hour. 3. 25 centavos to a peso. 4. 2 dozens to 18 things. 5. 264 kms in 3 kms. 6. 18 boys to 16 girls. 7. 25 atls to 30 mangoes. 8. 25 cm. to 150 cm. 9. 50 people in 5 vehicle 10.180 liters of petroleum to 20 litres of gasoline.
B.Reduce the following ratios in lowest term. Choose the letter that corresponds to the ratio of lowest term E = 3:4 I = 1:2 R= 2:9 T=15:4 G = 1:6 N=56 S1:4
4:8 15 : 18 30 : 8 18:24 6:27 15:20 8:32 60:16 7:14 25:36 WHAT IS THE HIDDEN WORD?