22. Which of the following procedures describes the correct steps to follow when washing dishes and utensils manually?
A. Pre-scrape and pre-flush, wash, rinse, sanitize, and air dry
B. Pre-scrape and pre-flush, rinse, sanitize, wash, and air dry
C. Pre-scrape and pre-flush, wash, rinse, sanitize, and towel dry
D. Pre-scrape and pre-flush, rinse, wash, sanitize, and towel dry
23. What is the most important reason for having food handlers wear hair?
A. Prevent food handlers from contaminating their hands by touching their hair
B. Prevent food from getting into food handlers' hair
C. Keep the food handlers' hair neat and in place
D. Prevent hair falling into food items
24. When there is no available green-colored chopping board for vegetables and you'll use the same cutting board used in cutting raw chicken; what should be done to the cutting board in slicing onions for a salad?
A. Wash, rinse, and sanitize the board prior to slicing the onions
B. Clean the cutting board with a wet wiping cloth
C. Turn the board over and use the other side
D. Rinse the board with running water
25. What will happen if we overcook green salads?
A. it eliminates the color and its vitamins and minerals as well