
watch any news regarding the hospital and doctors situation in the philippines during this pandemic then make a short reflection about the article. nonsense answer=report​

Sagot :


There are a lot of people who are getting affected. The article says we are at the mercy of a few people who make this and that. I can agree that in terms of economics, we are at their mercy, because we have to pay them for providing health services. But there is something more that this pandemic would have revealed about our country and the government. But we don’t care. At least, this is what I saw.

If we are at the mercy of a few people, then we are at the mercy of more people. If the government is so efficient, why are they unable to provide the minimum essential items like PPE, medicines, sanitizers? Why are they still in deficit and can’t handle the situation properly? They are not willing to spend less on unnecessary things like the EPRDF and UNICEF? If they are so bad, why aren’t we talking about it? And if they have to fix everything, why are they making it a bigger problem?

In the worst-case scenario, then what? Will they use us as an example to others? Will the people look at us as a country with no government? No government that is just taking orders from a dictator? That is what I have been seeing.

Now imagine if the government doesn’t get better. If it’s still at the same level of incompetence, what happens? We cannot go back to the days of the good old times. We cannot go back to the days when we have a government that cares about its people. What happens if the government does not take care of the people but continues to act like this? This is what I am dreading about this pandemic.

To sum it up, I can’t agree with how we are coping with this pandemic. How can we expect to handle what they have been throwing at us? I wonder what they will do to us when this crisis is over. If it’s true that there is no more time, what will be our response? The problem is, if there is no time for the government, it’s even more true for the people.

For now, I have to stay and prepare myself because if I don’t, I would feel really scared. For the safety of myself, I must stay at home. For the safety of my loved ones, I must stay at home. And so for my society and the future of this country, I must stay at home. I have to prepare myself and be ready for the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario is not when the government and the public start taking it seriously and we have to prepare. The worst case scenario is when we are unprepared and they continue to throw us challenges. This is what I am dreading for.

And what if the pandemic was just a small thing? Maybe I don’t need to stay at home? Maybe I need to go somewhere? Or just go out? I don’t think I can justify going out because I know a lot of people who will be affected and they depend on me. I really don’t think I can justify going out. At least, not yet.