
Which of the following animals give birth to its young? *
A. bird
B. frog
C. rat
D. turtle
2. What takes place when a sperm cell unites with the egg cell? *
A. fertilization
B. gametes
C. reproduction
D. pregnancy
3. It happens when the male animal releases sperm cells into the female's reproductive tract. *
A. fertilization
B. internal fertilization
C. external fertilization
D. reproduction
4. It occurs outside the bodies of parents. The female releases eggs into the water and the male releases sperm cell over the egg cell. *
A. fertilization
B. internal fertilization
C. external fertilization
D. reproduction
5. It occurs when a parent animal divides itself into two and each half grows into a new individual. *
A. binary fission
B. binary fusion
C. budding
D. fragmentation
6. What is the pollen producing part of a flower? *
A. ovules
B. stamen
C. stigma
D. style
7. What is the flower stalk where the parts of the flower are attached? *
A. filament
B. receptacles
C. sepals
D. style
8. What part of a flower which contains the ovules or embryo? *
A. anther
B. ovary
C. petals
D. sepals
9. What do we call the part of the flower that encloses a developing bud? *
A. anther
B. filament
C. ovules
D. sepals
10. What do we call the top of the style which receives pollen? *
A. anther
B. filament
C. ovules
D. stigma
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