
do you think the evolution of Sherlock how from an upstanding detective to a villainous one could happen in real life explain​

Sagot :

I’d say it’s not possible.

What I mean by that is that if there is a real world version of Sherlock Holmes, he was never a doctor nor was he a genius. Sherlock Holmes was a detective. He followed the rules and he always used to be a gentleman. He was never rude to people and was always polite.

It was his character and how he acted that made him one of the most well-liked and respected detectives that there was. A lot of people look up to him. His character was a huge part of his personality, and it wasn’t easy for him to change his personality. There would be a part of Sherlock that loved him and a part of him that hated him. It was as if the two parts of him split.

So it’s not possible. There’s no way that a normal person can become Sherlock.

Let me explain further.

In the BBC series Sherlock, they say that Sherlock’s personality was formed in his childhood.

Sherlock was born to an aristocratic family, and he was raised with great care and caution. As a child, Sherlock was told that one should be careful of one’s actions, and it is from this point on that Sherlock becomes a hard person to understand. He does not forgive people for their mistakes. He always tries to find the right way to do things, and the only way he feels a person could change his way of thinking is to punish them.

Sherlock is rude to people, is cold and indifferent to them, and only cares for himself and his own way of life. He’s just a cold, ruthless man.

Sherlock always puts himself first and tries to act like a gentleman all the time. That’s why he always tries to be nice to people. But in the same time, he can’t help but get annoyed with people, and he just wants to punish them. He was never the type of person to care for others, and it’s very hard for him to find common ground with people.

On the show, it says that Sherlock’s father, who raised him, was extremely conservative. He never allowed Sherlock to see any books or movies about how people live their lives. He never saw any other culture but his own.

In the same time, Sherlock’s mother always encouraged Sherlock to be nice to people and to make everyone feel important. She was always supportive to Sherlock, and she was always encouraging him to be a gentleman and a nice guy.

I would say that the character was probably formed as a child, and he probably thought he was doing the right thing. He was also raised in a way that he wanted to make people feel important. It’s a really hard, tough life when you think about it. It would have been a really hard childhood for a child.

It’s also like he was being told one thing and he was being raised by someone else. He wanted to be a gentleman but he was raised to believe that he should be cruel to others. He never felt a sense of purpose. He was just an intelligent detective but he never wanted to actually do any good in this world.