ACTIVITY 1 Direction: Identify the following sentence whether it is Assertive, Directive, Expressive, Declarative or Commissive 1. From this day on, I will save my money. 2. I am very happy that you are helping us. 3. You are my women in the world 4. Please submit your activities on time. 5. What you have done to us is very disappointing. 6. As the general of the army, I am ordering you to shoot the killer. 7. The earth is flat. 8. In the name of our God, I now pronounce you as husband and wife. 9. You are now promoted to become the admin of this group. 10. I will change my future by studying and listening to my teachers. 11. You are ugliest person I've seen. 12. I'm sorry that I leave you on that day. 13. As your adviser, I'm suggesting you to quit smoking. 14. I am the smartest person the is ever live. 15. From now on, I will pick up the small rubbish that I can see.