KATHERINEVALOR21IN KATHERINEVALOR21IN Science Answered 1.Leave the evacuation area only when the authorities declare that it is safe to return home.A. BeforeB. DuringC. After 2.Secure your important belongings on high ground.A. BeforeB. DuringC. After 3.Monitor weather reports and don't ignore rainfall warning alerts you receive through text.A. BeforeB. DuringC. After 4.Ensure you have enough food and water supply.A. BeforeB. DuringC. After 5.Cancel all travel and outdoor activities. *1 pointA. BeforeB. DuringC. After6.Watch out for live wires or outlets submerged in water.A. BeforeB. DuringC. After7.If your house was ruined by the typhoon, check first if it's safe and stable before entering.A. BeforeB. DuringC. After8.Keep yourself updated on the latest weather news.A. BeforeB. DuringC. After9.Evacuate safely and calmly if order was made by local government unit or f you're near a body of water or mountainsidesA. BeforeB. DuringC. After 10.Report any damaged electric and cables to the authorities.1 pointA. BeforeB. DuringC. After