1. In selecting the best cloth for the project, you should select cloth that is ______________
A. Colorful B. Appropriate for the project C. Expensive D. Trending
2.This cloth is smooth, durable, and absorbent. * 1 point A. cotton B. linen C. silk D. wool
3. This is an expensive fabric. It is quite difficut to cut, and sew because of its fine and lustrous texture. *
A. linen B. Silk C. Synthetic D. Rami
4. Before the fabrics are cut, the first thing that you should do is: *
A. pressing B. Folding C. Soaking D. Stretching
5.After stretching the cloth on all sides, until the horizontal an vertical threads are inline with each other, what is the next step? *
A. stretching B. Folding C. Soaking D. Pressing
6. This is an expensive fabric, quite difficult to cut because of the fine, smooth and lustrous texture. * A. Cotton B. Wool C. Linen D. Silk E. Synthetic
8. It is made from man-made fibers woven into different fabrics like nylon. This cloth can be easily washed and dried. *
A. Cotton B. Wool C. Linen D. Silk E. Synthetic
9. This cloth is smooth, durable and absorbent. * 1 point A. Cotton B. Wool C. Linen D. Silk E. Synthetic
10. It is tick and slightly rough . A cotton B. Wool C. Linen D. Silk E. Synthetic
11. This fabric comes from the flax plant. It is the oldest kind of fabric