
Encirde the letter of the best answer.
1. These are numbers that cannot be written as a quotient of two integers p and q where q * 0. A. rational numbers C real numbers B. irrational numbers D. natural numbers
2. What is nin the expression Vie A radicand B. index C root D. exponent
3. Numbers whose square roots are integers are called A rational number C index B. radicand D. Perfect squares
4. Which of the following is equal to (0.7)? A 0.49 B. 0.049 C. 4.9 D. 0.14
5. The statement "negative square root of 25 " is the same as, A. V-25 B. -V-25 C-V25 D. 125
6. Which of the following is Not a rational number? A 111 B. V0.25 C. 149 D. V64
7. What form of decimal is the square root of 3 "? A. terminating C non-repeating, non-terminating B. repeating D. non-repeating, terminating
8. The following numbers are irrational number except ONE. A V8 B. v12 C. 14 D. 2.1352267...
9. What is the principal root of 781 ? A 7 B. 8 C. 6 D. 9
10. Which of the following is equal to v4/25 ? A. (4/25)2 B. 2/5 C 2/25 D. 4/5
11. Which of the following is an irrational number? A. 136 B. -12 C. 0 D. V10
12. Which of the following is an integer? A. -V101 B.5/2 C 8 D. O
13. Which is not a rational number? A. 2.3135654... B. 0.43 D. 0.67875 C. 0.43434343... 32​