
On the basis of our lesson and your understanding of the wave properties of sound, look around your surroundings and list down 5 examples for each wave properties of sound. This examples must represent how the wave properties of sound are demonstrated (e.g. Reflection – echo of voice in the room. Justification: since the sound waves are not absorbed, there is a reflection of sound or an “echoing” of sound inside the room)

Procedure On The Basis Of Our Lesson And Your Understanding Of The Wave Properties Of Sound Look Around Your Surroundings And List Down 5 Examples For Each Wave class=

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identify whether the noun in each number is a count (C) or mass (N) noun. Then, use an appropriate indenfinite article or indefinite adjective to form a noun phrase. write your answer on the space provided

______1. gasoline ___________

______2. pitcher ____________

______3.oxygen ____________

______4.perfume ___________

______5. mobile phone ___________

______6. teabag __________

______7. hair _____________

______8. egg ___________

______9. pillow __________

______10. oil ___________

