
copy the answer in the following question on your answer sheet​

Sagot :


1. What is a community?

- A community is a collective term of a group of people that are living in the same area. Usually, these group share particular characteristics, identity, values, and norms. Also, they may share a sense of place through virtual space platforms (social media).

2. What are the different types of community and its descriptions?

- There are different types of a community, whether physically or virtually. But for the sense of formality, there are only three types of community, which are; URBAN, SUBURBAN, and RURAL. An Urban community is a community or group of people that are living in the cities, or in large towns, thus a heavily populated community. These people have almost all the access to all latest and greatest things, and have an easy access of basic necessity. Urban community is a very busy community, and people are living in very close proximity, that in each time there are always movement. Living in this kind of community usually lavish, that their housing is either an apartment or in a high-rise building. But urban community is a good area for employment. The Rural community is somewhat opposite of the urban community, but not in complete sense. Rural community is located in small towns, commonly referred to as a province instead of a city, but not all provinces are considered rural. A rural community is sometimes called farmland, because people living in the area usually own farms and animals. Farming is usually their source of income, since there are no or there are less workplace for them. If the urban community has high-rise buildings, a rural community has high-rise mountains, because the nature itself is your neighborhood. Living in the rural makes hard for them to go back and forth while working in the city, therefore the workers will opt-to live in urban or suburban areas. Next kind of a community is the Suburban, It is the mixture of the urban and rural communities. Living in such community will let you have an access to nature and to the latest things. The people in suburban have different choices in job since there are more workplaces compared to the rural community. Location wise, people in suburban can go in the city for work in the morning then return home in the evening.

3. This depends where you're located at. Observe your surroundings then assess whether you are living or belong to urban, rural, or to suburban.

4. What is the broader sense of environment?

- In a broader sense, the "environment" is the term used to describe all things around us or anything under the sun, which includes the people and their activities and behaviors, the nature and the animals, conditions, the norms and cultures of the community, and anything that affects the well-being or life of all living entity in a community.

5. How can these environmental factors affect us in our community?​

- The environmental issues itself, scientifically speaking, can affect or rather impede the growth, health, and wellness of not only the humans but also the plants and animals. So how these factors really affecting us? It depends, the growth or the well-being of all living things in a community is truly and greatly affected by the factors around us, so it is up to us on how we will adapt, adjust, or react on the different circumstances that we are facing. But a poor community in terms of behavior and culture can affect the characteristic of a person in a bad way, some norms and culture can contribute to their ignorance to other's culture, it is called culture-shock, and they tend to mock others instead of respecting them.

Explanation:I hope it help