SHANEAUDREYASTRONOMOIN SHANEAUDREYASTRONOMOIN Math Answered . 4. ^2 ∙ ^5=^2+5 *a. Product Law b. Power of Power Law c. Power of a Product Law d. Quotient Law 5. (^2)^5=^2∙5 * a. Product Law b. Power of Power Law c. Power of a Product Law d. Quotient Law 6. ()^3=^3^3 * a. Product Law b. Power of Power Law c. Power of a Product Law d. Quotient Law 7. ^3 / ^2,7. ^3 / ^2, where x ≠0 is equal to ^3−2 *1 pointa. Product Lawb. Power of Power Lawc. Power of a Product Lawd. Quotient Law8. If x is a real number not equal to 0, then ^0=1 *1 pointa. Product Lawb. Power of Power Lawc. Power of a Product Lawd. Zero Exponent9. ^−2=1 / ^2 *1 pointa. Product Lawb. Power of Power Lawc. Negative Exponentd. Zero Exponent