NATHALIECABANILLAIN NATHALIECABANILLAIN Science Answered 4 Animals that lay eggsa Placentalsb. Viviparousc. Oviparousd Fission or cell division5. Where do the egg and sperm cell unite in External Fertilization?a Environmentb. Ovaryc. Body or wombd Parents6. Where do the egg and sperm cell unite during Internal Fertilization?a Environmentb. Ovaryc. Body or wombd. Parents7 Part of an animal which is detached becomes a whole animala Buddingb Regenerationd. Fission or cell division8. The ability of an organism to reform lost body partsa. Buddingb. Regenerationc. Oviparousd. Fission or cell division9. The creation of new individuals from existing individualsa. Fertilizationb. Reproductionc. Offspringd. Sexual10. The kind of reproduction undergone by HYDRAa. Buddingb. Regenerationc. Fragmentationd. Fission or cell division