
Listed below are the basic techniques and rules to follow in handling the microscope. Classify them into Dos and Don’t using the given table.
1. Always cover the microscope when not in use and place it in a safe storage. 2. Always inspect the microscope to determine if its clean and properly working before and after using it.
3. Hold the microscope in an upright position with care.
4. If you notice some dust in the glass or lens, gently blow it with your mouth to remove the dirt.
5. In carrying the microscope, always use both hands, one for grasping the curved arm and the other one supporting the base.
Science 7 Worksheet No.: 1
6. In viewing the specimen, open only your one eye when looking through the eyepiece. 7. Rotate the knobs by moving it forcefully.
8. Use the 100x objective without using immersion oil.
9. Use the direct sunlight as a light source when viewing objects or specimen under the microscope.
10. Use your fingers in cleaning the glass part of the lenses of the microscope.
Dos in Handling the Microscope
Don’ts in Handling the Microscope

i will gonna report the nonsense answer