Find the definitions of the italicized words used in each sentence in Column A that matches the one in B. Write your answer in your drama notebook.
1. It is an enactment on stage as a literary work in front of the audience.
2. It serves as the skeleton of the story that brings the actions into a cohesive and more organized form.
3. It is called as the soul of the story and mostly involves conflict between individuals, man and society, man and a superior force, and man and himself.
4. They are people, and can sometimes be animals or ideas, that are portrayed by actors in the play.
5. They are storylines that are spoken by the characters in the play.
6. These are cosmetics and prosthetics used to enhance/change a person's image.
7. Figurative language to create visual representations of actions, objects and ideas in our mind in such a way that they appeal to our physical senses.
8.-Refers to any specific, deliberate constructions, or choices of language that an author uses to convey meaning in particular way.
9. It is the character in conflict with the protagonist.
10. A general atmosphere of a narrative.
A. antagonist B. characters C. dialogue D. drama E. imagery F. literary techniques G. makeup H. mood I. plot J. theme K. playwright