A. What can you say about the picture a? : I see a very peaceful and beautiful environment, no harm, no danger, no poluttion or anything that harms the environment
What can u say about picture b? : A boy is ruining the environment, he's making water poluttion, what does water poluttion do? It makes the water in the water in our sinks and showers dirty, he's slowly ruining the environment.
B. The first one is people in the peaceful environment like I said no harm or anything bad.
The second one is harming the environment.
What's the difference? The first one is peaceful with no harm and the second is harmful.
C. Of course by a glance I can see that the first picture or picture a is a healthy environment.
D. Of course I would want to live in picture a. Why? This environment has no harm to the surroundings, all the people are walking calmly without any stress or worry.
Pa brainliest if maganda sagot ko :)