Circulatory system is composed of your _____ and _____ which are also divided into ______, ____ and ______ the primary role of the ______ is to pump blood through your _____ in return the _____ which are divided into four chambers move highly oxygenated blood into your body through your arteries this oxygenated blood is responsible for supplying your body tissues with oxygen as to your respiratory system this system is composed of _____ your lungs and the other structures that move air in and out of your lungs. ____ starts with your _____ or _____ and then goes down through your ____ then head straight to the ____ apart from this mechanism to respiratory system also uses muscle specifically intercostal muscle between your ribs causing your lungs to contract and expand the primary role of digestive system is to ____ the food you eat in absorb all the _____ your body needs to function properly on the other hand your cardiovascular system moves oxygen and other important compounds throughout your body