true or false 1. Tympanic thermometers mease the temperature inside the ear canal through infrared ray technology, 2. Readings in a temporal thermometer cannot be affected by external factors, including drafts, wind, indoor heating, and direct sunlight. 3. The normal axillary temperature ranges from 36.00 to 37.0°. 4. The apical pulse is palpable at or just medial to the midclavicular line. 5. The normal heart rate for children (5-7 years old) is 60-110 bpm. 6. In assessing a child's respiratory rate, an inhalation and exhalation count as one respiration. 7. A sphygmomanometer is used in auscultating heart and breath sounds. 8. One quick way to determine the normal systolic blood pressure of a child is to use the following formula: Normal systolic BP = 80 + (2 x child's age in years). 9. Vital signs should be monitored before and/or after medication administration that could affect the respiratory or cardiovascular system. 10. Arm and thigh blood pressures are equivalent in children under 1 year of age.