A. Identification: Choose the correct answers for each number from the word pool. Write the answer on the space provided. 1. It came from the word Sonare which means "to make a sound”. 2. The most important musical structure that was developed during the classical era. 3. This usually implies heroic or tragic drama. 4. Comic opera that made use of everyday situations and characters. 5. It is derived from the word sinfonia which means a "harmonious sounding together". 6. This era is also called the 'Age of Reason' 7. It means fast movement. 8. He is referred to as the "Father of Symphony" 9. He created more than 700 compositions. 10. Middle part of Sonata allegro form where themes are being developed. Sonata Opera Seria Mozart Allegro Symphony Opera Buffa Beethoven Classical Period Sonata Allegro From Franz Haydn Development