JHOELYNVILLANUEVA28IN JHOELYNVILLANUEVA28IN Technology and Home Economics Answered write the word FACT if is proven to be true and BLUFF if the statement does not give the right information, 1. Most frozen and canned vegetables are processed within hours of harvest, so their flavor and nutritional value. is preserved. 2. Canned vegetables are "uncooked" prior to packaging, so they are recipe ready. 3. Mixed green vegetables salad contains only green leafy vegetables. 4. Steamed broccoli is loaded with healthy nutrients which is one of the good foods for dieters. 5. Does eating vegetables only gives us the complete nutrients that our body needs? 6. A method of cooking food over boiling water is steaming. 7. One of the advantages of steaming is the retention of nutrients and food color. through reduced cooking times.8. When baking food, it is not necessary to pre-heat the oven. 9. Cooking food in a small amount of fat in a skillet over moderate heat is frying. 10. Braising is a process of cooking food with a small amount of liquid in a pan. with a tight-fitting lid.