Pahelp po dito..Di ko po maintindihan plsss..

1. They both lay eggs
2. The reptiles are cold-blooded and have scales whilst the birds are warm-blooded and have feathers. Reptiles use their mouths to eat and birds use their bill to eat and feed their young ones. They also take care of their babies differently.
3. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals. They belong to the class reptilia. There are four clades namely Crocodilia (crocodiles and alligators), Sphenodontia (tuataras), Squamata (lizards and snakes), and Testudines (turtles).
4. Birds are warm-blooded animals. They belong to the class Aves. The most commonly known birds are doves, pigeons, eagles, chickens, crows, seagulls and sparrows
5. Birds: They have feathers, toothless beaked jaws, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, a high metabolic rate, a four-chambered heart, and a strong yet lightweight skeleton.
Reptiles: They have backbones, their bodies are completely covered with scales, are cold-blooded, produce shelled eggs or bear live young, they fertilize eggs internally, and they have at least one lung.
The explanation will be too long but all the answers are there (note: whatever birds are in your module is the answer to number 4 and whatever reptiles are in your module is the answer to number 3)