Sagot :
1. One of the goals, so to speak, of evolution is the passing on of genetic information. Perhaps we shouldn’t describe evolution that way, as if it was like a human being, with goals; it’s all automatic. However it pleases us to describe evolution, an organism must live long enough to be able to pass on its genetic material, so there’s a direct relationship between longevity and reproduction via evolution.
But that “answer” is about mechanics, which we all know, and I feel your question wants a deeper, more comprehensive answer, a way of tying together the two great forces in biology, survival and adaptation to change. Obviously a body has to survive to pass on genes which may then evolve, but I don’t think that’s what you had in mind with the word “relationship”. Once you successfully, even prolifically pass on genes, you don’t then automatically lose interest in surviving; so they are separate but connect domains. We can feel the motive to survive and pass on genes; perhaps you can find the deeper relationship there, in the feeling we have for both personal survival and genetic survival which often leads to evolution, evolving genes. I don’t think we can feel our interest in our genes evolving; it seems more intellectual than visceral, like surviving and the act of passing on genes.