
2. What is the home tone of this musical scale?
A. A(la)
B. F(fa)
C. C(do)
D. E(mi)
3. What is the home tone in the C-Major Scale?
A. C(do)
B. F(fa)
C. G(so)
D. Ala)
4. Which diatonic scale has a flat (b) symbol placed before the time signature?
A. Key of C Major
B. Key of F Major
C. Key of D Major
D. Key of G Major
5. What is the musical scale used in the song?
Dona Nobis Pacem (Translation: Give Us Peace) Pronoured Don-na No boose Pah.chem
A. Key of C Major
B. Key of F Major
C. Key of G Major
D. Key of A Major​

Sagot :







Hope it helps
