
1. What is the importance of pressing techniques?
2. Why do we need to apply pressing techniques on clothes?
3. What is the difference between pressing and ironing?​

Sagot :


1.It also gives you an accurate cut when your seams and creases are carefully pressed. Pressing seams is extremely important before you sew another seam that is going to cross it. Lastly, pressing creates killer darts and a beautiful “memory” in your fabric.

2.Correct pressing helps to shape the fabric to your figure, flatten seams and edges, and save you time. To gain skill in pressing, you need both the right equipment and the “know-how.” No amount of careful cutting, fitting and construction can make up for too much, too little or incorrect pressing.

3.Ironing and pressing are often used interchangeably, but are actually two separate techniques. Ironing is the back and forth sliding motion most of us are familiar with and do regularly at home. Pressing is the placing of the iron on the fabric, holding it there, and then removing.


1.) When pressing, you get that polished look with seams that lay flat, like store-bought clothing.

2.) Correct pressing helps to shape the fabric to your figure, flatten seams and edges, and save you time.

3.) Pressing is the placing of the iron on the fabric, holding it there, and then removing.

I hope it help