
if the list was not yours, what would the personality of the owne?

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1. Confident

Confidence comes from knowing yourself and your abilities. Where arrogance makes you blind to your weaknesses, confidence accepts and acknowledges those weaknesses. As a confident small business owner, you understand both your best skills and biggest areas of improvement. You can use this confidence to bravely take your business outside of your comfort zone without acting rash.

2. Persistent

Running a business doesn’t always go as planned. Whether it’s a setback on a project timeline or a rejection for financing from a traditional lender, you have to be persistent to make it work. Every time something goes wrong with the business you, as a persistent business owner, look for solutions to the problem. Sometimes this means pushing forward through barriers until you get through and sometimes it means finding a completely new route to the goal.

3. Goal-Oriented

You need to know what your customers want from your business and have a plan to achieve those goals. Being goal-oriented works directly with persistence to keep your business heading towards success. Creating goals, however, includes more than just the final outcome. If you’re a good goal-setter, you know that achievable goals come from careful planning, research and honest communication with everyone involved. Even with the main goal in mind, it’s important to focus on each step to reaching that goal by creating micro-goals along the way.

5. Personable

Likeability is often taken for granted. A positive attitude and approachable personality make it easier for your employees, other professionals and even customers to be open and honest with you. In the long run, being personable can bring positive results to your bottom line. Engaging with customers and building a relationship leads to repeat business and word of mouth recommendations. A friendly personality can also help relieve a stressed customer or employee when something goes wrong.

6. Passionate

You might think of your business as your baby. You’re not alone! Many entrepreneurs and small business owners see the businesses they’ve built in this way. This mindset is really no surprise when you consider the time, resources and finances most business owners put into their businesses. Your employees and customers will be able to see your passion as a business owner. This passion can help excite new employees or gain the confidence of a potential client.