Sagot :
cell - a table entry. A cell can contain:
labels e.g. Company
numbers e.g. 32.4
functions e.g. SUM(B5:B8)
formulas e.g. = 2 * 2
OR e.g. = 2 * SUM(B5:B8)
row - cells aligned horizontally. Rows are numbered 1,2,3,...
column - cells aligned vertically. Columns are labeled A,B,C,...
range - the specification for a series of cells.
A colon ":" separates the start and end cell references.
e.g. A1:A9 - part of a column
e.g. A1:K1 - part of a row
e.g. B4:D8 - a rectangle of cells
Also, you can assign a RangeName to a group of cells. This makes it much easier to reference cell(s); you can refer to them by the kind of value contained. e.g. Instead of referencing cell P32 you could reference the cell with the name Interest (or whatever you had named that cell).
More on naming ranges a bit later.
function - an operation applied to a range of cells, always beginning with an "=" sign. e.g. =SUM(A1:A5)
Step-by-step explanation:
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