
1.The world is fighting Covid-19 What part of speech is the word "world"?
A. Preposition
B. Verb
C. Noun
D. Adjective
2. Where did you put the blanket my mom gave me? The word "did" is what part of speech?
A. Preposition
B. Verb
C. Noun
D. Adjective
3. He sat quietly in the theater to avoid distraction. The word "quietly" is what part of speech?
A. Pronoun
B. Conjunction
C. Interjection
D. Adverb
4. Many of us are counting on you. The word "us" is what part of speech?
A. Pronoun
B. Conjunction
C. Interjection
D. Adverb
5.You and I are bestfriends forever. The word "and" is what part of speech?
A. Pronoun
B. Conjunction
C. Interjection
D. Adverb​