1. Putting thoughts, ideas or information into symbolic form is called___________.
A. encoding B. message C. receiver D. channel
2. It is a method by which the communication travels from source to receiver.
A. source/sender B. Message C. channel d. receiver
3. It is a setting of communication where by non-government organizations (NGOs) is
an example of this.
A. government B. civil society C. schools D. private sector
4. This term in the communication process means there is unplanned disturbance or
A. response B. feedback C. noise D. decoding
5. It is the information which is shared or transmitted.
A. message B. Feedback C. feedback D. response
6. This is a tool of communication where one can read it using newspapers and letters.
A. print B. non-print C. technologies D. online tools
7. This is a term which is used to refer to communication process where sending and
receiving is done between individuals with the same level or rank.
A. downward B. upward C. horizontal D. vertical
8. It is the person or organization that has information to share.
A. receiver B. sender C. decoder D. encoder
9. This means that communication happens in business industries.
A. government B. civil society C. schools D. private sector
10. This a process of communication where the transmitter send messages from more
powerful to the less one.
A. downward B. upward C. horizontal D. vertical