NORIELROLLOQUE112286IN NORIELROLLOQUE112286IN Math Answered A.1.What is not the most common units of distance?A.MileB.CentimetersC.MetersD.Kilogram2.An angel whose measure is equal to 90°A.Acute angleB.Right angleC.Obtuse angle D.Vertax3.Ratio of two different quantities?A.DegreesB.RateC.AngleD.TimeB.Convert to the indicated unit of measure.1. 7 meter =____mmA.70mmB.7mmC.700 mmD.0.7mm2. 2 score =____yearsA.5 yearsB.10 yearshiC.15 yeaesD.20 years3. 10 fi. oz =____mLA.100 mlB.150 mlC.200 mlD.300 ml4.1440 minutes=____ hoursA.12 hoursB.18 hoursC.20 hoursD.24 hours5. 5 tbsp= ____mLA.15 mlB.75 mlC.45 mlD.30 ml6.15 gal = ____ LiterA.57 literB.60 literC.63 literD.70 liter7.1,350 g = ____kgA.1.15 kgB.1.25 kgC.1.35 kgD.1.45 kg8.38°C =_____°FA.100.4 °FB.120.4 °FC.90.4 °FD.130.4 °FC.1.The weight of a basket of santol is 2,800 g.The weight of the basket itself is 250g.What is the net weight of the fruits in kilograms?A.255 kgB.22.5 kgC.2.55 kgD.2.25 kg2.Adrian studies 3hr. 45 minutes. He starts studying at 8:05 pm.At what time does he finish?A.11:50 pmB.12:05 pmC.12:50 amD.11:50 amPA SAGOT PO NG MAAYOS KAYLANGAN KO LANG PO TLAGA NGAYUNBRAINLIEST KO PO MAAYOS NA SAGOT