
______1. Which is not an observed change in our body when we get angry
A. our face turns red B. Our heart beats faster C. Our shoulders become stiff D. Our breathing becomes slow
______2. in the sentence, " Changes occur in our body," which of the following words is a synonym for the word occur?
A. stay B. form C. happen d. transform
______3. why do people sometimes feel guilty for being angry
A. anger may hurt others B. anger is not a feeling you should show to other people C. anger may cause us to create positive change in the world D. Anger may cause us to be motivated to act on something
______4. which of these actions is based on anger as a positive form of expression?
a. focusing on what is wrong b. saying hurtful words c. identifying the root of the problem d.keeping our emotions bottled up inside of us
______5. Which of these actions are based on anger as a form of motivation.
a. asking the person we are angry at to think of how the problem can be resolved b. giving the person that we are angry at the silent treatment C. kicking a chair aside and screaming out loud D. seeking the help of a third person to side with you
______6. what is one benefit of feeling angry
a. it provides a form of exercise for our heart and blood vessels B. It prepares is for future occasions that we might feel angry. c. it servers as a signal that something is not right d. it changes how our mind works
______7. in the selection what is the meaning of the word "challenge?"
A. it refers to a task that is new b. it refers to a task that is different C. it refers to a task that is assigned to us D. it refers to a task that is diffcult to do.
______8. in the selection which trait would be most helpful when trying to use our anger in a positive way?
a. being obedient b. being honest c. being thoughtful d. being hardworking