
TRUE OR FALSE 11. Ironing is done by using a back and forth motion 12. Use an iron to flatten seams after pressing and can reduce back and make fabric lay flat 13. Pressing is lifting and placing the iron on the garment 14. A seam stick can be used to press areas that are hard to lay on a flat surface like a sleeve 15. Clean your iron periodically especially when sewing and pressing light colored fabric. 16. When ironing never sew over an unpressed seam 17. If you scorch wool fabric by using an iron that is too hot, rub a nickel on the scorch mark. 18. To avoid seam imprints on the right side of the fabric place a strip of white paper bag between the seam allowance and garment before pressing. 19. A solution of one part water and one part distilled white vinegar will remove an old crease and or set a new one 20. Use a fan directed at the ironing board to cool down the fabric and set the press.