
what can you do to make the lord's day a day of joy rest and solidarity?​

Sagot :

How do we observe the Lord’s Day? Do we keep Sunday holy? In reflecting on these questions, it is good to recall why we observe Sunday as the Day of the Lord to begin with.

How do we observe the Lord’s Day? Do we keep Sunday holy? In reflecting on these questions, it is good to recall why we observe Sunday as the Day of the Lord to begin with.Saint John Paul II wrote that “Sunday is a day which is at the very heart of the Christian life” (Dies Domini 7). Do we think of Sunday that way, or as just a day off from work or a day when we have to go to Mass? Sunday is, as John Paul wrote, “the festival of the new creation” (DD 8). It is the day of Christ’s resurrection. It is a weekly celebration of Easter. Every week, on Sunday, we celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death. We celebrate the dawn of the new creation.

How do we observe the Lord’s Day? Do we keep Sunday holy? In reflecting on these questions, it is good to recall why we observe Sunday as the Day of the Lord to begin with.Saint John Paul II wrote that “Sunday is a day which is at the very heart of the Christian life” (Dies Domini 7). Do we think of Sunday that way, or as just a day off from work or a day when we have to go to Mass? Sunday is, as John Paul wrote, “the festival of the new creation” (DD 8). It is the day of Christ’s resurrection. It is a weekly celebration of Easter. Every week, on Sunday, we celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death. We celebrate the dawn of the new creation.Our whole Christian faith rests on this fundamental event, absolutely unique in human history: the Resurrection of Jesus. It is good for parents to remind their children every Sunday that today we are celebrating Jesus’ Resurrection. We can say with the psalmist every Sunday: “This is the day which the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24).” Sunday is the day of the Risen Lord. That’s why Saint Basil the Great spoke of Sunday as “holy Sunday.”