Sagot :
dis·po·si·tion | \ ˌdi-spə-ˈzi-shən \
Essential Meaning of disposition
1: the usual attitude or mood of a person or animal
He always had a cheerful/nervous disposition. [=temperament, personality]
It's nice to work with someone who has such a sunny disposition. [=who is usually cheerful]
a dog with an excellent disposition
2formal : a tendency to act or think in a particular way
Her disposition was to always think negatively.
He has a disposition toward criminal behavior.
3: a tendency to develop a disease, condition, etc.
people with a genetic disposition toward a particular disease
Full Definition of disposition
1a: prevailing tendency, mood, or inclination
b: temperamental makeup
c: the tendency of something to act in a certain manner under given circumstances
2: the act or the power of disposing or the state of being disposed: such as
b: final arrangement : SETTLEMENT
the disposition of the case
c(1): transfer to the care or possession of another
(2): the power of such transferal
d: orderly arrangement