
1. Identify the following. 1. May be produced by the use of a motive or figure, e 2. The structure of a musical composition. 3. A complete musical utterance, roughly corresponding to what can be sung or played in one breath or played with a single stroke of the bow. 4. The phrase altered, but in such a way that its identity remains perceptible 5. The phrase is repeated but in transposition, as in the refrain of the Christmas carol "O Come All Ye Faithful 6. May also be achieved by the consistent use of a rhythmic pattern. 3. May be determined by the medium of performance, the technique of composition, or by function 8. The exponential numbers designate variations 9. Phrase marks 10. A melodic entity that functions as an element in a larger whole 11. Freely and expressively making subtle changes in the tempo. 12. Organized into recognizable/recurring accent patterns 13. An "off-the-beat" accent (between the counted numbers) 14. Gradually SPEEDING UP the tempo 15. Can be seen/felt through the standard patterns used by conductors. 16. Sections giving the impression of conclusion. 17. Many notes to a syllable. 18. Consisting of a single melodic line 19. Are range or register--whether most of the activity is high, low, or in the middle, or combinations of these, and whether the range of pitches used is large or small 20. Set of interrelated notes and chords, based on a major or minor scale​

Sagot :


dis·po·si·tion | \ ˌdi-spə-ˈzi-shən \

Essential Meaning of disposition

1: the usual attitude or mood of a person or animal

He always had a cheerful/nervous disposition. [=temperament, personality]

It's nice to work with someone who has such a sunny disposition. [=who is usually cheerful]

a dog with an excellent disposition

2formal : a tendency to act or think in a particular way

Her disposition was to always think negatively.

He has a disposition toward criminal behavior.

3: a tendency to develop a disease, condition, etc.

people with a genetic disposition toward a particular disease

Full Definition of disposition

1a: prevailing tendency, mood, or inclination

b: temperamental makeup

c: the tendency of something to act in a certain manner under given circumstances

2: the act or the power of disposing or the state of being disposed: such as


b: final arrangement : SETTLEMENT

the disposition of the case

c(1): transfer to the care or possession of another

(2): the power of such transferal

d: orderly arrangement