consturct a concept map about hearing ang height and weight problems use any shape in constructing your concept color your work

Hearing Problems includes:
- Something in the ear canal.
- Sensorineural hearing loss.
- Perforated eardrum.
- Cholesteatoma
Height and Weight Problems includes:
- Overweight
- Stunted Growth
- Breathing Problems
- Obesity
- Underweight
• These are some of the problems or issues you can face just by not caring about your hearing, height and weight concerns.
• Just color the concept map to finish your performance task. :))
; My answer is not 100% so please don't expect too much. Maybe the correct answer of your peta is already on your lessons, so please read.
; If some of you wants to put the correct answer, just comment it on the comment section, so that he/she can have more or options to answer.