ITY SHEET In Creative Writing 12 (Module 1) Nome: ACTIVITY 1 Year & Section: Name the person who is responsible for the following roles. Write your answer before the number. 1. He is in charge of producing those sights that are not usually captured by the camera in order to make the scenes offective, exciting, gad appealing to the viewers. 2. He is the person who takes charge of the photography. 3. He sees to it that the costumes suit the characters to be portrayed by the performers, 4. He is always present from the pre-production stage to the post- production of the play 5. He has a bigger responsibility because his work is not only limited to a studio, a room, or the stage but it covers an area as wide as a small community or a large province. 6. He writes the dialogue or the lines to be memorized by the performers 7. They read the script, memorize their lines, and follow the instructions given by the director 8. He takes out unnecessary scenes, particularly the obscene and the offensive ones 9. He looks for a location that fits the story and, with the aid of the cameramen, shoots the scenes forming part of the drama. 10. He must have a way of letting the audience know if the scene is taking place at down in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon, at dusk, or in the evening 11. He determines what to place as backdrop and what to put on stage