Direction: Explain the following ways of food preservation: (2 points each) A. Drying 1. Sun drying - 2. Artificial drying - B. Freezing - C. Salting 1. Dry salting - Brine salting -. makasagot po brainliest ko

1. Solar drying is a process of drying foods by harnessing the heat energy of the sun in a special dehydrator that not only increase the temperature but also, improves the air flow. This speeds up the process of drying the food and reduces the risk of food getting moldy or spoilt.
2. (sorry can answer this one)
•Freezing delays spoilage and keeps foods safe by preventing microorganisms from growing and by slowing down the enzyme activity that causes food to spoil. As the water in the food freezes into ice crystals, it becomes unavailable to those microorganisms that need it for growth
1. Drying or “dehydrating” food is a method of food preservation that removes enough moisture from the food so bacteria, yeast and molds cannot grow.
2. Salting is a method of preserving food, that was more common before modern refrigeration. Salting preserves food by drawing water out of the food, preventing bacteria growing and spoiling the food. The food is surrounded in salt and left in a cool dry place.