Determine if the following solute and solvent will become a diluted or a concentrated solution. SOLVENT SOLUTE SOLUTION 1 glass of water 1 teaspoon of lemon juice DILUTED 1 liter of cold water 2 1-liter packs of powdered orange juice CONCENTRATED 1 cup of hot water ¼ teaspoon instant coffee DILUTED 1 pail of water 2 tablespoons of bleach DILUTED 1/2 cup of hot water 20 black tea bags CONCENTRATED IV. GENERALIZATION: Answer briefly. 1. How will you define a solution’s concentration? 2. When is a solution concentrated? When is it diluted? V. APPLICATION: Why is it that we are discouraged to drink soft drinks all the time? What are the solutes and solvent in soft drinks? Are softdrinks diluted or concentrated solutions?