SARIPPRINCESSANNAIN SARIPPRINCESSANNAIN Biology Answered 1. Which of these scientists observed the different types of cells in plant tissue?A. Rudolf Virchow B. Antony Von LeeuwenhoekC. Theodore SchwannD. Matthias Schleiden2. Which of the following cell organelles is absent in animal cells and present in a plant cell?A. Cell wallB. CytoplasmC. VacuoleD. Mitochondria3. Matthias Schleiden was a _____A. German zoologistB. British zoologistC. German botanistD. British botanisnt 4. Theodore Schwann was a _____A. British zoologistB. German zoologistC. British botanisntC. German botanist5. Which of these is not explained by the cell theoryA. Source or new cellsB. The basic unit of lifeC. Composition of living thingsD. Formation of new cells