
1. A computer program used to enter, analyze, and present quantitative data. a. MS Excel b. MS Word C. MS PowerPoint d. MS Publisher 2. A collection of text and numbers laid out in a rectangular grid. a. Spreadsheet b. Worksheet c. Workbook d. Spreedsheet 3. How many sheets are there in Excel Workbook by default? a. 2 b. 3 C. 4 d. 5 4. Which of the following component displays the contents of active cell? a. Name box b. Formula bar C. Menu bar d. Status bar 5. A combination of letters, numbers, and some symbols. a. Text data b. Text numbers c. Data text d. Ctrl+Tab 6. A numerical value that can be used in a mathematical calculation a. Number data b. Formula bar c. Zoom box d. None of these 7. The intersection of a row and a column. a. Cell b. Workbook c. Worksheet d. Spreadsheet 8. Which button is used to save our document? a. Save Button b. Open Button c. Insert button d. Home button 9. Which button would you click to find the document? a. Office button b. Quick Access toolbarc. Review tab d. View tab 10. In which tab on the ribbon can you find the Zoom? a. Insert tab b. Tools tab c. View tab d. Home tab​