REUELTUZONIN REUELTUZONIN English Answered Task 2: Looking at E-news Headlines.E-newspaper is one type of media nowadays. Everyday, there are hundreds of news headlines you see and hear over the radio, television, and internet. News serves as our outlet to know the current events in our country. Here are some sample headlines that you see from actual e-newspapers. 1. Thousands of Cebu Pacific Airlines flights canceled days after COVID 19 lockdown2. Family expected to recover after the pandemic3. Antibacterial drug discovered in Japan4. University of Wuhan group invents wheelchair powered by compressed airHere is what you have to do. Copy in your activity notebook the table below and identify the subject of the sentence and the main verb that comes after the subject for each headline above. Number 1 is already provided to you as an example for your easy reference. Did you identify correctly the subject of the sentence and the main verb? What have you observed with each of the sentences? Remember, the subject, is the person, place or thing doing the action and the main verb usually comes right after the subject.Subject Main verbExample:1. Thousands of Cebu Pacific Airlines flights2.3.4.